English 日本語


Company Profile

Company Name Kongo Colmet Mfg.Co.,Ltd.
President & C.E.O. 
Toshiyuki Kiuchi
Location 6-7 Shin-Isogo-cho, Isogo-ku,
Yokohama, 235-0017, Japan
T E L +81-45-751-1461
F A X +81-45-761-4927
President & C.E.O. Toshiyuki Kiuchi
Capital YEN 100,000,000
Paid-up Stock YEN  45,000,000
Established 20 July 1939
Number of Employees 130(Include Affiliate Company)

Industrial property rights

Pat. No.163167 Method for bonding between white metal and back metal
Pat. No.164346 Method for centrifugal casting
Pat. No.164846 Method for bonding between Kelmet and back metal
Pat. No.633891 Method for casting aluminum alloy bearing
Utility Model No.915420 Method for lining of white metal

Philosophy of management

Observe our tradition, Hone our skills, Enhance our credibility, Promote research, to reap laurels as the specialized factory of plain bearings.

1. Behave with the intent of taking the customer’s point of view.
2. Make an effort to improve the life of employees.
3. Exert ourselves to the utmost for growth and prosperity of our company.

Origin of the company name

“KONGO” stands for diamond in Japanese and represents the superiority of our products.
“COLMET” is a blend of COpper, Lead, and METal.


JUL 1939 Former President Tetsuo Kiuchi established KONGO COLMET Mtg. Co., Ltd. in Yokohama based on his engineering expertise and experience in high-performance bearings for aircraft and marine engine, and began manufacturing high-quality precision white metal and kelmet bearing.
FEB 1940 Tokyo Plant began operations in Nishikojiya, Ohta-ku, Tokyo.
JUN 1947 Expecting the company’s rapid progress and expansion of its casting division, KONGO COLMET relocated to Sakaecho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama (former head office and plant).
FEB 1956 Kobe Plant began operations to advance into the Kansai district.
JUN 1958 Shimonoseki office opened to advance into the Kyushu and Shikoku areas. Shimonoseki Plant completed in FEB 1959.
NOV 1959 Ishinomaki Plant opened advance into the Tohoku and Hokkaido areas.
JUL 1964 Shimonoseki and Ishinomaki Plants made independent affiliated with Head Office.
JUL 1966 Kobe Plant made independent affiliated with Head Office.
MAY 1967 Former President Tetsuo Kiuchi died. Former Executive Director George Kiuchi succeeded to President and Director.
AUG 1968 Merging Tokyo Plant into Yokohama Head Office and Main Plant, the new headquarter moved to the present site.
OCT 1975 Capital increased to YEN 45 million.
DEC 1975 A factory neighboring to Yokohama Plant purchased and rebuild as Yokohama Plant No.2.
SEP 1985 Inspecting and shipping facilities newly constructed in Yokohama Plant No.2
FEB 1994 Expansion of a large-size machine plant completed in the ground of Yokohama Plant No.2.
MAR 1995 Construction work finished by using a top-base method (Maikoma Block) to improve foundation of the entire machine plant against ground subsidence.
DEC 1997 NC center-boring machines, vertical and horizontal machining centers, NC vertical lathe and other equipment installed in the second building of Yokohama Plant No.2 as a large-sized machine plant to process larger-diameter bearings.
JUL 2004 NC center-boring machine and NC milling machine installed in the second building of Yokohama Plant No.2.
JUN 2007 Expansion of casting facility completed and large centrifugal casting machine installed.
AUG 2007 Former President and Director George Kiuchi succeeded to Chairman of the Board of Director, former Executive Managing Director Shinji Kiuchi succeeded to President and Director.
NOV 2011 Former Production Manager and Director Toshiyuki Kiuchi succeeded President and Director.
MAY 2012 Obtained ISO9001 certification (LRQA)
JUL 2003 75th year in business.
JUL 2014 Chairman of the Board of Director George Kiuchi died.
JUL 2015 Expansion Yokohama No.2 Plant complete and NC horizontal boring machine and NC vertical lathe installed.