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Affiliate Company

Kongo Colmet bearings are made good use of not only in Japan, but all over the world in many projects, via Japan’s major manufacturers of heavy electric machinery combustion engines and industrial machinery. In order to accept these customers’ different requests, we have fortified our production system in Japan. In close cooperation between our Yokohama main office and Plant and our affiliates, Kobe Kongo Colmet, Ishinomaki Kongo Colmet and Shimonoseki Kongo Colmet, we have constructed a production system to serve customers more flexibly and readily.
To maintain engineering excellence worthy of the Kongo brand, Yokohama Plant constantly provides specialized data and instructions to the other production facilities of our group. Through this nationwide network, all Kongo Colmets are firmly convinced that we will accept the changing needs of our customers.


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Kobe Kongo Colmet MFG (JPN only)
Isinomaki Kongo Colmet
Shimonoseki Kongo Colmet
Kongo Colmet MFG